Bishop Evans Missionary Journey
In 1997, during times of prayer and intercession the Holy Spirit would lead her to pray for Africa and other nations.
While attending a Leadership Conference in Atlanta, GA, she met Bishop David Richey & Pastor Margaret Richey the founders of Operation MOBILE International Churches, Inc., in Mobile, AL. The Richeys and their teams travel extensively to the nations doing various venues of missionary work. Meeting Bishop Richey and Pastor Margaret proved to be the kairos meeting for missions.
In 2011, Bishop Evans was invited to travel to Africa on a mission’s trip by Bishop David Richey. She believes that through the previous times of prayer for this continent, God opened a door for her to experience His Love for all nations.
Upon returning to Africa in October of 2013 while serving Bishop David Richey, she knew God would have her began a journey to serve others across the nations. It was confirmed when Bishop Richey asked her to join him as Suffragan Bishop of OMIC.
It is an honor and a great joy being released into the international mission field under the tutelage of Bishop David Richey.
On November 8, 2014 Bishop Evans was consecrated Bishop and presently serves as Suffragan Bishop of OMIC.